Lower cross syndrome is composed of anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lumbar curvature. The most common cause is lack of core recruitment and stabilization, followed by improper training, wearing improper footwear, and more.
Females are more prevalent...
Research shows that lower cross syndrome is more likely to be found among females. Why? One of the reasons is high heels. Our eyes are designed to always be parallel with the horizon, and for whatever reason if they are not in parallel our bodies will compensate to level them out. When women wear high heels, their entire bodies are tilted forward. In order to have their eyes level with the horizon, their upper bodies need to lean backward. In the meantime, their pelvis and the back of lower extremities are being lifted upward. This thus creates an increased curvature in their lumbar region. When we maintain this posture for an accumulated period of time without stretching and exercising to reverse that pattern, our bodies will adapt and start to lean to that posture, and thus lower cross syndrome is created.
For the ones who have lower cross syndrome, their lumbar erector, hip flexors, and tibialis anterior are shortened and tightened while their lower abdominals, hamstrings, and glutes are lengthened and weakened.
As a stabilizer, our core is designed to provide stabilization. For those who have lower cross syndrome, since the stabilization is taken away, their bodies will go to this compensation mechanism where it will overwork other body parts in order to provide stabilization. And that usually occurs around the knees, hips, and feet. When our core is not strong enough to stabilize, additional pressure will be placed on the lower extremities in order to hold the weight of our entire body. If the muscles are not strong enough, the weight will be transferred to the joints and ligaments. When there is extra load on these joints and ligaments for an accumulated period of time, they will start to wear out, get inflamed, and eventually, get torn. This is one of the many examples that show not having proper postures can cause serious chronic pain and joint pain.
Everything in our body is connected. When someone has lower cross syndrome for quite a while, he/she will eventually develop upper cross syndrome in the future if they don't address the issue due to compensation mechanism. If we ignore the root causes, we can never be free from pain!
How can I tell if I have lower cross syndrome?
The only way is to measure. In TAO Movement, we identify different postural syndromes by simply doing a few measurements on clients using the CHEK tools. Comparing the numbers objectively, we will be able to tell if you have a normal lumbar curvature and pelvic tilt.
If you have or are suffering from low back/hip/knee pain, this could be why! To find out if this syndrome is the real reason you’re hurting, you can visit TAO Movement and receive your postural assessments!