Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 65 minutes
Looking for a healthy substitute for Vietnamese pho? This is the perfect dish for it. The spaghetti squash gives you the same delicious taste of rice noodles while the chicken will just melt in your mouth.
Any part of chicken you’d like (I mostly use whole chicken / drumsticks)
Spaghetti squash
Sea salt
Black pepper
One splash - Any kind of oil (I mostly use olive oil)
Preheat oven to 450 degree. Boil water in a pot.
Wash the chicken thoroughly for two to three times. If you are using a whole chicken, cut it up to different parts. Set chicken aside.
Cut the onion in half, peel them into pieces. Set aside.
Rinse the spaghetti squash a couple times just to get some dirt out. Cut it in half. Use a spoon to scoop all the seeds out. Put the spaghetti squash inside the oven and bake for 30-45 minutes or until soft.
Put the chicken in the pot once the water is boiled. Drizzle the oil into the pot. Add sea salt and black pepper. Cook in high heat until it boils and let it simmer in low-medium heat.
Once the spaghetti squash is fully cooked, use a spoon to scoop all the squash out. Put the squash and onion into the pot at the same time. Add sea salt and black pepper. Simmer for another 10 minutes.